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Four Freedoms march, photo by Lee Cheek |
Last week, I paid a visit to the district office of my congressman, Richard E. Neal. I was relieved that he wasn't there. Not because I was intimidated by the prospect of speaking with him. I had heard him address the rally after the Four Freedoms march in Pittsfield a few days before and he seemed harmless enough. I was glad he wasn't there because there was such a banquet of political poison in Washington that I wanted him down there serving up the antidote. I spoke with his staff assistant who quaintly produced a pen and a pad that looked like a giveaway from an auto parts store. She took my name and contact information and asked me to tell her why I had come in. I said I wanted to be assured that not only would Rep. Neal support the Presidential Conflicts of Interest Act, but that he would get dirty doing it, that he would actively go after the perpetrators of grand larceny now about to assume power in our country. I realize that the system is mired in corruption and that that won't change as a consequence of my little field trip, but it felt empowering and demystifying. So this is where Richie Neal hangs out when he's in town!
The march itself featured some 2000 people walking in solidarity down North Street from St. Joseph's to the First Congregational Church on a bitterly cold day. It commemorated the 1941 State of the Union address in which FDR outlined the Four Freedoms - freedom of speech and religion, freedom from want and fear - ideas illustrated in the famous paintings by Norman Rockwell of Stockbridge. Gathering to celebrate the foundational ideas of our deeply flawed democracy generated a kind of giddiness, even as we recognized the urgency of our situation together, the collective peril we are experiencing. For this particular newly awakened citizen, the march and the standing room only rally afterwards lifted me up, expanded my vision beyond the limits of my own concerns to include the wellbeing of the larger community. Real people shivering in the January cold. Not an abstraction. The march and the rally brought the issues off the page and demonstrated what is at stake in this fragile historical moment, the right to assemble in support of free speech, to defend religious liberty, to provide for the basic needs and protections that are our entitlement. We, whatever our individual stories may be, however committed to our democracy we may have felt previously, must now be part of the resistance. This is not a time to sit out the dance. This is a time to bring down the house, to twist and shout together, each of us for all of us.
Please share seventysomething with other interested parties. I welcome your comments on email, facebook or on this blog. If you do not have a gmail account, comment as Anonymous, but please tell me who you are in the body of the remarks. Click on comments (it will say how many there are), select Anonymous from the drop-down menu, enter your comment and hit publish. If you do comment, I will respond on the blog, so please check back so our conversation can continue.
Marching on Jan. 21...
UN Plaza, 11 am Jan. 21. No wallflowers here.
I'll be at the event at the Colonial in Pittsfield. The collective energy is an inspiration.
You said it, Susie. Now it's the struggle to understand how to pick my battles.
-Pam Lauer
I agree, Pam. It's a long road and we'll need to be focused and informed. We can do it!
Marching in St. Petersburg ~
We, whatever our individual stories may be, however committed to our democracy we may have felt previously, must now be part of the resistance. This is not a time to sit out the dance.
How touching and inspiring your wonderful words are, dear Susie. I love your resistance with your words and your legs. I am your sister-in-Canadian solidarity.
We will need friends in Canada and all over the world to bolster our resolve. Very comforting to know you're there up north.
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